Opportunities Abound at National Hellenic Student Association Convention

National Hellenic Student Association conventions provide Greek-American college students and young professionals with mentorship opportunities, and more.


National Hellenic Student Association

Perhaps your university has a Hellenic Student Association or you’ve heard of one. But just what is the National Hellenic Student Association and what do they do? Read on to learn about this important organization.

Founded in 2004, the nonprofit National Hellenic Student Association (NHSA) of North America, Inc. serves as an umbrella for Hellenic student organizations of universities in the U.S. and Canada. Ir is largest Hellenic student and young professional organization in North America. NHSA promotes Hellenism, education, and overall unity of the Hellenic community.

The organization provides much-needed guidance, career advice, mentorship, and other opportunities, in association with local Hellenic organizations. NHSA represents more than 50 HSAs at universities across North America. Over the years, they’ve launched many educational initiatives, including the Virtual Stock Market Competition, Academic Journal, and Professor Network.

Additionally, bi-annual conventions held throughout the U.S. and Canada, bring together Greek-American college students and young professionals which are educational, professional, and social in nature. The next convention will take place in Atlanta this fall.

NHSA’s Board of Trustees help to facilitate, guide and support NHSA. Current trustees includes notable members of the Greek community, such as Michael Psaros of KPS Capital Partners LP;  Michael Manatos of Manatos & Manatos; and Drake Behrakis of Marwick Associates. They also receive generous support from the Libra Group and George Logothetis.


Fall Convention 2017

The National Hellenic Student Association (NHSA) of North America fall convention will take place October 13-15, 2017 in Atlanta, GA. NHSA recently expanded its presence into GA, and this year’s convention is the first in the south.


National Hellenic Student Association Convention Boston 2016
Greek-American college students and young professionals at the Museum of Science, during the Boston NHSA convention in 2016. IMAGE: NATIONAL HELLENIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION


The convention will take place at the Georgia Institute of Technology. As part of its mission to provide information and opportunities to students, NHSA has gathered prominent leaders of the Greek-American community, who will participate in panel discussions on energy and the environment. Students and young professionals will participate in academic workshops and attend networking and social events. They will establish important connections with professionals, and cultivate lifelong friendships.

NHSA Chairman Konstantine Ouranitsas spoke about the significance of the convention.

“NHSA conventions are educational, professional, and social in nature, creating a well-rounded weekend for our attendees, who come from all over North America. For a very low cost, participants leave our convention with a new perspective on current topics, having networked with professionals, explored a new city, and a created a social network that spans the US and Canada. NHSA continues to expand by creating new initiatives to better support our members.”

For students with financial need, NHSA’s Executive Board provides scholarship opportunities for committed attendees and those travelling from afar.

NHSA President Alexander Thomopulos discussed the upcoming convention.

“Following the success of our Los Angeles, NHSA’s Executive Board is working hard on delivering an impactful and exciting convention in Atlanta. We look forward to inspiring people to build new friendships, new partnerships, and work collectively in an unconstrained environment during a lively weekend.”


Attend National Hellenic Student Association Convention 2017

This is an event no Greek-American young professional should miss.

Click here for information on tickets, itineraries, hotel, and sponsorship opportunities, etc.

Connect with National Hellenic Student Association: website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

WindyCity Greek is proud to be a sponsor of National Hellenic Student Association Fall Convention 2017

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 Made possible through the generous support of PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation & John C. Kulis Charitable Foundation.


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